General Terms of Service for Internet Service

Centre WISP Venture Company, LLC. dba Black Bear Fiber “Black Bear Fiber” is an Internet Service Provider, offering service to customers in Central Pennsylvania. Our services are provisioned using ethernet over radio frequency equipment in some areas and over fiber to the premise in other areas.

Expected performance. We offer customers a variety of broadband Internet service levels. 

Expected Speeds and Latency

    • Service level descriptions can be found on our homepage at
    • Speed. The speeds we identify for each broadband Internet service level are the maximum upload and download speeds that customers are likely to experience. We provision our customers’ modems and engineer our network to deliver the speeds to which our customers subscribe. However, we do not guarantee that a customer will actually achieve those speeds at all times. A variety of factors can affect upload and download speeds, including customer equipment, network equipment, transport and networking protocols, congestion in our network, congestion beyond our network, performance issues with an Internet application, content, or service, and more.
    • Latency. Latency is another measurement of Internet performance. Latency is a term that refers to the time it takes for information to travel between your computer and your Internet destination. High latency occurs when the time it should normally take for the information to make the trip becomes abnormally long. Latency is typically measured in milliseconds, and generally has no significant impact on typical everyday Internet usage. Most applications, such as email and websites, work well despite average latency. Highly interactive applications, such as multi-player games, do not work well with higher latency. As latency varies based on any number of factors, most importantly the distance between a customer’s computer and the ultimate Internet destination (as well as the number and variety of networks your packets cross), it is not possible to provide customers with a single figure that will define latency as part of a user experience.
    • Actual speed and latency performance. The actual speed and latency experienced by individual users may vary depending upon network conditions and other factors.
    • Customer Speed Test. We recommend that customers use public speed tests, such as those provided by Ookla ( or NetFlix. ( 
    • Suitability of the Service for Real-time Applications. Our broadband Internet access service is suitable for typical real-time applications, including messaging, voice applications, video chat applications, gaming, and Internet video. If users or developers have questions about particular real-time applications, please contact us via our website or phone.

Commercial Terms

    • Prices. Fees will be billed as specified in your contracted agreement, rate plan brochure, customer service summary, or rate plan information online.
    • Fees for early termination. An early termination fee of up to $200 may be charged if a customer disconnects while under a contracted agreement. Additional information is available in each customer’s contract.
    • Service may be disconnected if the customer’s bill is not paid by the due date stated on the bill or invoice.

Privacy Policies Black Bear Fiber’s privacy policies are detailed in our Privacy Policy.

Use of network traffic information for non-network management purposes. We do not use network traffic information for non-network management purposes. However, data regarding a customer’s excessive data usage may be utilized for discussions to move that customer to a higher broadband plan. For more information, see

Redress options. We welcome questions about our broadband Internet access service. This section discloses redress options.

    • End user complaints and questions. End users with complaints or questions relating to these disclosures should contact  at 844-320-3278.
    • Questions. We will try to answer questions promptly.
    • Complaints. For written complaints, a customer service representative will contact the end user via phone call. We will attempt to resolve complaints informally, escalating the matter to senior management if needed. To submit complaints to the FCC, you can contact the FCC by phone at 1-888-225-5322, or online at